Museum Environments designs award-winning exhibits for museums, educational institutions, and private organizations. Since we started in 2014, we have created engaging and memorable experiences for clients around the nation and the world. We work closely with our clients to create experiences that express the organization's vision clearly and powerfully.
Museum Environments has a flexible structure that permits us to bid competitively for small projects while having the ability to scale up to execute large projects. For example, we can help our clients with a temporary one-room exhibit or a state-of-the-art gallery like the Smithsonian Molina Family Latino Gallery. In addition, our designers have comprehensive exhibit experience and have worked for the most reputable institutions and design firms. As a result, our lean structure allows us to provide design services at the highest standards while remaining scalable to our client's needs.
Our design process can adapt to the necessities of various organization types and engage with an even greater variety of topics. Our clients include museums, international monetary funds, and schools, to name a few. We have delved into subjects from baseball, the boreal forest, and Latinx history. Every museum and organization has a favored method for treating artifacts, content, and visitors. In every case, we work with the client to align the visitor experience with their culture, mission, and brand.
Our design portfolio is varied just the same; we show strength in bilingual multicultural projects. We confidently claim that our experience in bilingual exhibit design is unmatched in the United States. We have executed numerous bilingual exhibits for the Smithsonian, culminating in the Molina Family Latino Gallery. We have also completed work in simplified Chinese for the Museum of Chinese in America and designed a trilingual (English, Spanish, and Portuguese) show for the Inter-American Development Bank. The breadth of this experience has made us well-versed in crafting typographical solutions that provide clarity and minimize a hierarchical presentation of the languages.
Select Clients
Smithsonian Award for Excellence in Exhibitions, 2023, Presente A Latino History of the United States
Smithsonian Award for Excellence in Exhibitions, Honorable Mention 2018. Gateways/Portales Exhibition
Type Directors Club 2014: Annual Awards Environmental Graphics, Radio Free Europe, Typographical Sculpture
AIGA Justified 2013: El Paso Museum of History, Our Neighborhoods and Shared Memories Nuestros vecindarios y sus memorias.
Graphis 2005 Annual Honors Award: Columbia Presbyterian Hospital “History Wall” honors award.
AIGA 365 Annual Competition Award (2004): National Constitution Center for environmental graphics
Society of Environmental Graphic Design (2004): National Constitution Center honors award
tkts Competition (2000): Among the 36 selected projects out of 683 submissions from 31 countries. Project was exhibited and published by the Van Allen Institute.
Journaux d’Enterprise (1993): Award for Best Corporate Newsletter of 1993. La Lettre BNP.
McCann Erickson (1989): Award for Graphic Excellence, Booklet titled “Estudio Psicográfico de la Mujer Puertorriqueña”
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